
第52回  デヴィッド・メイヤー 名誉教授(英語学英文学科・英米学科)

日 時:平成28年12月11日(日)12時半~
会 場:名古屋キャンパス職員食堂


Dear Nanzan Alumni Association,

 Thank you for the splendid 「恩師を囲む会」you organized for Sunday, December, 11, 2016. The Faculty Dining Room and its bounteous buffet provided an attractive atmosphere for the older, but still very lively, former seminar students to gather.
 It was a happy and gratifying occasion to see these former students after so many years and to find that their willingness to meet challenges remains. In their university days, it took courage and perseverance to join a seminar that was conducted entirely in English and required them not only to listen and speak in class, but also to read and write something in English every week. They had no escape from English.
 It seems, though, that meeting those challenges then gave them confidence to use English and to trust in themselves. Everyone at the party spoke with me in English, whether they are presently English teachers or not. Many recounted how they used English in studying for post-graduate degrees or living some years abroad with their families. Others confronted the challenges of starting language schools, directing a construction company, running restaurants, or managing sections at their work.
 After one recounted her story, she said “At that time could you have believed that this would be me?” I suppose I could not have imagined it, but I could have believed it because even when they were students I was impressed by how hard some really had to work to meet the challenges, but they never gave up.
 Those memories came back in detail on Sunday. As each group came up year by year and introduced themselves, and especially when they gathered in groups for photographs at the end of the party and I could meet with each one again and see the sparkle of their seminar days, I was proud of what each had accomplished in her or his professional and family lives. I am privileged to have been associated as a teacher with such a fine group of people.

David Mayer (Nagoya) <nagoyadrm@yahoo.com>

長野よしみ(大26期 英文)


 12月11日に同窓会主催の「恩師 デヴィッド・メイヤー名誉教授を囲む会」が学内職員食堂にて開催されました。会には教育現場や企業また遠方からも多数集まりました。同じ教えを導いていただいた者同士、会はにぎやかに進み、参加者のほとんどは当時の先生の学生に対する姿勢、学生たちのつたない英語にも関わらず常に優しく忍耐力をもって接してくださったきめ細かい指導方法が、現在の人格形成に大いに影響を与えたとエピソードを通して話しました。また教育に携わっている参加者からは先生の教育方針が心に残り、それがきっかけで英語教育に携わることになったこと、自身の教育現場でも先生の教えが役立っていることなど、感謝の言葉が次々と出されました。会の終わりには、先生自ら作製された焼き物を参加者全員にプレゼントしていただき当時と変わらない先生のお人柄に触れ、和やかな雰囲気の中、再会を約束しながらの散会となりました。